Simon Cleveland
- Ph.D. in Information Systems - Nova Southeastern University
- MS in Project Management - The George Washington University
- BS in Management and Marketing - George Mason University
After more than 20 years of experience as a technology manager, program manager, and PMO director for organizations such as MD Anderson Cancer Center, the Department of Homeland Security, NASA, Accenture, and AOL, Dr. Simon Cleveland has joined CityU as the Technology Institute’s executive director and associate dean.
The author of over 25 peer-reviewed publications in journals and conferences, Dr. Cleveland is the acting associate editor for the International Journal of International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society and is on the editorial review boards for seven other journals.
He holds the following professional certifications: PMP, CSM, CSPO, ITIL, SSBB, and was awarded the inaugural Outstanding Faculty Award at Georgetown University for his contributions to their Master of Professional Studies in Project Management program. He sits on several dissertation committees; belongs to PMI, IEEE, AIS, ACM, and UPE; sponsors events supporting at-risk youth, adventure scholarships, and literacy programs; and is always in search of a great book to read, and a steep path to hike.