Dr. Cleveland lays down the foundation for Big Data and Analytics.
Yun Tse talked about docker containers, virtual machines, ElasticSearch and Kibana plugin.
Dr. Zhuang demonstrated the ease of use of R programming language.
Dr. Chung introduces the topic of Data Science and how important it is to learn the programming language’s culture.
Dr. Stone showed the how the eScience of UW came about.
Dr. Nascimento gives us another perspective in looking for anomalies using Graph Visualizations.
Dr. Kaghan presented DIUX (Defense Innovation Unit Experimental), a fast-moving government entity that provides non-dilutive capital to companies to solve national defense problems.
Dr. Williams introduced Python tools like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Sckit-learn.
Dr. John as our technical Mandarin/English translator for Data Science and AI topics.