Smart & Secure Computing Applied Research Symposium - Spring 2020

Hosted by CityU’s Center for Information Assurance Education (CIAE) and School of Technology and Computing (STC), the Applied Research Symposium is open to faculty, professionals, and students from any discipline, university, or professional organization.  At the end of each quarter, any students who would like to share their projects including capstone courses will present their outcomes. This symposium will provide opportunities for students, researchers, and practitioners to discuss the influence and impact of the applied computing on the future of our planet and our society.

Topic: Evaluation of NoSQL Databases for Enterprise Use Cases

Presenter: Janki Patel

There are hundreds of NoSQL solutions available in the market and the penalty of choosing incorrect NoSQL solution is very high in terms of product velocity, system complexity, developer hours, and cost. This research addresses the question, how can we select the correct NoSQL category and the solution that is best suited to the enterprise use case.

Topic: Big Mart Sales Prediction Using Machine Learning With R

Presenter: Richa Agarwal

The Data analysts at Big Mart Sales have collected a 1559 products sales data of 2019 also to defined certain attributes of each product in the store. [ResearchGate, 2019]. The main problem arises for data analysts as -How to be carried out future sales data for each product at a specific store? How the predictive model help in finding the pattern in sales data?

Topic: Using blockchain to replace professional degree certificates

Presenter: Jose Diaz

This research proposes the development and use of blockchains within universities’ networks to provide secure digital degree certificate verification. This method, which is currently in use at some universities, can create a win-win solution for both alumni and their alma mater.

Topic: A Mobile App for fresh food delivery

Presenter: Jun Guo

We are defending COVID-19 in America now, many markets have been closed.The best way to protect us is to stay at home. However, we need fresh food every day and the markets need business to survive. During the COVID-19, we can use mobile delivery app to order fresh food, but there are few mobile Apps. Therefore, I will make a new fresh food mobile delivery to help people get more convenient service and help markets to operate.

Topic: Web crawler application

Presenter: Zhihan Shi

The web crawler is difficult to make, and it cannot be used by everyone. So the project is how to create a web crawler application. Its target group is all people including those who have no programming experience. It will get the text information of the target web page and display and modify it in excel.

Topic: Implement a context-based recommendation system

Presenter: Yuliang Wang

The existing recommendation system provides users with an efficient job search environment, but there are still some data that are not effectively used by the system. The purpose of this project is to use the context-based recommendation method to link different work information together and recommend related work to users. So how can we connect work together? How to recommend the work that users need?

Topic: Desktop Virtualization Strategies and Options

Presenter: Jeff Kistler

VDI performance has gradually improved over the last several years, and with the onset of COVID-19 pandemic this year (2020), desktop virtualization has resurfaced as a viable alternative to on-premise computing. Many organizations and educational institutions have found themselves in unprecedented circumstances where nearly 100% of their workforce has been forced into isolation, utilizing telework and remote collaboration offerings to sustain business and educational functions. With such a high demand, desktop virtualization is now being considered by organizations around the world as an alternative to working on site. The objective of this study is to determine what infrastructure options exist today, and what factors should organizations consider when choosing the best path forward.


Dr. Sam Chung

Dean, School of Technology & Computing

Sion Yoon

Associate Faculty, School of Technology & Computing


Morgan Zantua

Program Director, School of Technology & Computing

Event details

Date: Thursday, June 11th, 2020
Time: 4:00PM-6:00PM

Gallery (Coming soon)